
Alla inlägg under augusti 2013

Av Hanne Trägårdh - 26 augusti 2013 12:34

A song that was just mine,
stories that were just mine,
lips that were just for me,
not anyone else's.

I thought that we sang
the same song,
maybe we did that time,
but not anymore.

It was beautiful, amazing,
cute, sweet and honest,
We sang a song that was just
ours to keep.

I think both of us
had longed so much for
this song to come
that we refused to see
when we no longer sang
the same song anymore.
The old song with the beautiful
words was what we preferred
to listen to,
We hold onto the old song
just like an old memory
that we were afraid of losing,
becus letting go
Is so scary.

And maybe it is time to
let go of that old song,
so we can fnd a new song
to sing. A happy one,
With lots of laughter and joy,
and with less sorrow and anger.

And maybe in a while, we
can go back to that old
song with the beautiful and
sweet words, and shake our heads
thinking, "What the hell were we thinking?"
and hopefully get a good laugh about it.

Becus singing old songs
can be great, but once in a while
it is good to just remember them
as really beautiful songs
And instead go on singing
a new song, my love.


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 18 augusti 2013 17:49

Today is it sunday and its raining and im on the train on My up To My summer place. Sometimes i really like it when it rains, well at least if ur inside:P. Its cozy and i just got that happy feeling when i saw it was raining earlier today becus its as if its the end of summer and the beginning of something new. I love the summer but i Also loooove the fall. The cooler weather, that u can spend hours at a café sipping on a Tea/coffee, or that u can wear more clothes?more fashionable clothes. Or just spending a whole week end doing absolutely nothing n just watching series and films n not feeling guilty abt it cus ur missing out on the sun.u Dont have To be social or u can just be productive n effecient during the day ( hopefully) n just relax in the evenings watching tv.
I remember in Paris when i lived there that i used To loooove when i woke up on a saturday/sunday n i saw that it was raining. Oh it was the best feeling Ever (well im exagerating a bit but u get the picture). Cus it ment i could just lay in My bed snoozing or drinking Tea/coffee n watch sex and the city or smthg while looking through the Window n seeing the raining coming down. I loved that. N then hopefully seeing a friend for a coffee at a café somewhere. Or sometimes (or quite orten actually) i would go down To My favorite café that was just around the corner n take a coffee by myself n just read a book or do some ppl watching. I really love that. So now that the summer is almost over (where did the summer go anyway? It passed by so fast!) i welcome the fall. The fall usually means starting fresh.new ideas, new projects, sometimes (or usually for My case) meeting new ppl:). I have many ideas of creativity that i Cant wait To do this fall. Im just gonna do My best To actually go through with them since i tend To have many ideas, start doing then n then getting tired/bored of them n restless n start doing something else n then doing the same thing all over again. So this time in gonna conquer My fears, step by step n just be happy.:)

Wish u all a relaxing sunday.
Love h

Av Hanne Trägårdh - 17 augusti 2013 14:20

oh what i wold love to be in new york right now. u know those moments when ur too tired to do anyhting that takes effort. when u just feel like being able to go ot and have everything near your place like starbucks and great cafés. instead of having to use transport to get to these places. im having that feeling now. im too tired to use my bike and go a place where they sell food. but since im not in a big city i just have to dream away. i dont know if i would like to live in nyc for a long time since its such a hectic 24/7 kinda city but i would love to live there just for 6 months or a year. just to experience the pulse. and all the amazing places that they have there. going down for brunch at a "stammishak", a place where ur a regular, discovering amaing cafés, bars, restaurants..getting a cappuccino at really cool place.

oh i really hope i get to go there again...


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 16 augusti 2013 12:34

I thought you were everything
that I had been looking for
You promised me the world
with your kind words
Someone I could run the world with
and share everything with.
I thought you were the
one I could make me and you,
against the world.
Someone that would always look for
the next wave with me

You and me, that was what
was promised.
Someone that would share your world
with me and only me
Me and you.
Me and you against the world.
In our little house vy the beach,
Somewhere either far away
or close to home.

But either way, it would be
Just you and me, against the world
and we would make the world a more beautiful place.
You with your big dreams om becoming
the master of the sea,a
and me with my big dreams lf becoming
the master of photography
Together we would rule the world.

But then everything changed.
The past came in between us
and the darkness took over you and me.
You were the darkness
and I was the light.
I thoug if only I
could master the darkness
with my sunshine
everything would be fine.
Even better than fine,
my sunshine would make
everything perfect,
Becus thats what we wanted, right?

If only everything in our life
was perfect, then we
would be fine.
If only my sunhsine could
outbring your darkness,
then everything would be perfect.
But everything is not perfect
and will never be.
But maybe that was
just your and my way
of being,
just You and Me.

Av Hanne Trägårdh - 14 augusti 2013 12:38

You were something that I
always wanted to be
You had the freedom
I always wanted to have
You were the Don Juan
of freedom, always taking
every chance you could get
to hit the waves.

You made me believe I was so big,
ur princess, ur world.
At the same time, you made me
So small and confused
and made me doubt everything I was
But since I loved you
And since you had something
So powerful, that I just had to have,
I could not resist you

You were like a drug to me,
so sweet, so nice (when I had you)
But when I did not have you,
you were like the coffeine, the drug
that I had to have to survive.
If I did not have you,
how else could I be loved by you?

You were so kind, so warmhearted
yet you were so unantainable
You gave so much
yet you gave so little.

At the same time,
you were a mistery to me,
'cus you kept so much from me.
Things I ached to hear,
things I ached to know.

I thought if I could fix you,
you would give me the love I always
had wanted.
If I would just be patient with you,
you would come back to me
and give me the life I've always had dreamt of having.
If I would just be honest with you
how I felt about things,
you would come back to me,
The "real" you that I missed so much.
If I would just tell you how much I loved you,
you would love me back.

After a while, it hit me.
You were just like the waves,
free and unbreakable,
always wanting to be free,
you did not want to settle down
unless I gave you everything I had
and more.

And maybe thats the thing,
maybe I'm just like you,
Just like the waves,
free and unbreakable,
not wanting to settle down,
until just that person
reaches us with the passion
we've always been dreaming of
and sets us free.

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