
Alla inlägg under december 2013

Av Hanne Trägårdh - 11 december 2013 13:19

a while ago I read somewhere, cant remember where exactly if it was on the internet or in a magazine or from Paolo Coehlo (that is one of the most inspiring authors in this world when it comes to following your heart an your inner guide) but i wrote it down in my notepad where i have all my italian notes and since ive studied for my Italian exams this week ive read this over and over again. and i have another quote that a vero close friend of mine sent to while ago that ive thought about alot too. cant tel u what ive been thinking about since its quite private but its about following your heart. 

ive always followed my heart, or my gut feeling. i havent always understand why or that its been my heart telling to go to all these places etc, but ive always had this strong urge to follow my heart. ive also been very grateful for my wonderful parents/family who let me follow my heart/gut feeling. without them i would have been prob very unhappy. 

ive always believed that evevrything happens for a reason/doesnt hapen for a reason. i could give you a thousand examples from my own experiences but that would take forever so im gonna spare you the details. but ive always understodd the importance of evevrything happening for a reason. for example if i have a huge cold and it wont go away, its my body´s way of telling me to slow things down. and if that wouldnt happen then i would just keep on runing evevrday ntil my body would have a meltdown. or when i was unhappy in paris and i get fed up with my life there i followed my heart and moved to bcn where i met the most wonderful ppl and i got to redicover a new part of me that i didnt know existed. or if i would have been happy in bcn i would never have moved back home and met my wonderful friends that i made last year and this year and i prob wouldnt have had the chance to find my own style in art/fashion. or if i wouldnt have been unhappy i Italy i wouldnt have moved back home and i wouldnt have met another friend of mine and her nowadays ex boyfriend...so sometimes its good to be unhappy becus it makes u think about how u can make a change in ur life so u can be happier. or just simply find ur own way whatever it may be.

so today i made research about following your heart that can be inspiring to myself and to you.

so theye are quotes that I found on google. some of them are from famous ppl and some are from unnown authors but they are all very clever.

so here they are:

"it´s impossible" said pride

"it´s risky" said experiences

"it´s pointless" said reason

"Give it a try" whispered the heart

cute huh?

anoher one:

"It takes courage to follow your mind.

But it takes evevrything to follow your heart"- unknown author

also very true

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right-

for you´ll be critizised anyway" - Eleonor Roosevelt

"Follow your heart and intuition. they somehow

already know what you truly want to become.

everything else is secondary"- Steve Jobs.

very true.

"Make mistakes, take chances,'be silly,

be imperfect, trust yourself and 

follow your heart" - unknown author

"Follow your heart and your dreams

will come true"- unknown author

"There´s no reason NOT to follow your heart"- Steve Jobs

"Trust your instints and always follow your heart" - unknown author

"Follow your heart and happiness will follow" - unknown author

"let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully".

"listen to your heart - your heart has allt " the answers." this is what i found somewhere that ive thought alot about recently.

 and also this one that my friend sent me while ago:

"if you want to know where your heart is, 

look to where your mind goes

when it wanders"

that quote is really a good one...not always easy but oh so true...

so what i wrote before. im not saying that you should move to another country or another city just becus ur unhappy, that might not be for everybody. but everyone should or i hope atleast that they dare to follow their heart. and plus if ppl do not follow their heart and they follow their mind instead, universe will put u in situations/circumstances that will make u eventually follow your heart, for example if you take a job that in rality dont want, universe will maybe make sure that u get an awful boss or unkind collueges or something that will make u unhappy with that situation whatever the situation may be. we tend to prefer to listen to our mind and what others think we should do.  but im the only one who knows thats right for me, you are the only one who knows whats right for you etc...its not always easy to follow your heart but believe me, if you follow your mind instead of your heart, eventually universe will make sure that u get on the right path.=)

this is the quote that my friend sent to me. its really good i think.


this is a work of art that  finished about a month ago with the title " open heart". its mostly a reminder to myself to think about the importance to have an open heart when it comes to relationships and have the gutts to show my vulnurable side to that person.


and this is also a work of art that i made maybe 2 months ago with the title "explosive heart". also a reminder to myself to know that its important to be urself with ur partner and not hold anything inaide urself. let urself be explosive (but with the heart, not the ego).


i hope it was inspiring, atleast it was inspiring to myself to always follow my heart no matter what=)

have a good day!


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 8 december 2013 10:58

Im right now sitting at cafe in the habour in helsingborg and even tho the wind is quite strong outside and its pretty cold outside ( its snowraining too...brrrr) its still very cozy inside of the cafe. Thats one good thing about Sweden, since we re used to the cold weather we have to make it as cozy as possible at our cafesmor else we would like die in an istant of the cold. And especially now during xmas time all the cafes put on xmas songs which is something i really love. Espresso house is really good at playing good xmas songs and a food variation of different kinds of xmas songs too i must say. We may not always have a white xmas ( believe it or not) but atleast we have a christmas spririt once we re at cafes or at home.

Altho it would be amazing to one day spend xmas in the Alpes or in the Aspen or somewhere really white and that has alot of snow.
Many years ago ( actually 10 years ago so when i was 18) me and my family spent xmas in Cortina, Italy and that was my first time spending xmas outside of Sweden and it was wonderful. cortina is such a beautiful and magical place during christmas time. Cortina is a very luxourious place ( a.k.a very expensive) place so its really really beautiful with lots of christmas decorations everywhere. And with small luxiourious boutiques everywhere. I remember when we went to the mass at the church at christmas Eve to see how Italians do their mass. And it was so beautiful! Ok we didnt understand much of what they were singing since no one of us cpuld speak Italian ( i did know a bit of Italian becus i had studied Italian the year before in High School but i couldnt remember that much of the words) but it was still very beautiful. And very powerful i must say. And the were so many ppl too at the church. That was prob the most powerful thing, that there was so much ppl there singing and focusing on the prayers etc. Very powerful.
And just walking throught the small streets was magical. Felt like we were in a Charles Dickens story or something. Something i wouldnt mind doing again.

Yeah i would really love spending xmas at a ski resort again. And plus, u get to focus on only the good stuff about xmas such as enjoying the snow, or having a really good meal and enjoying the company. Instead of having to focus on the stress of having to buy all the food and other stuff for xmas parties and stuff like that that i can imagine stresses ppl out. I think xmas is unfortunately a time of the year that makes ppl stress even more since there so much to prepare which ubfortunately makes us forget what xmas is all about which is spending time with our loved ones and just eating good food and drinking hot wine and eating all of those delicious christmas cookies ( yummy btw!).

When i think about christmas i think of moments to spend with my family and friends and hot chocolate and hot wine ( glögg) and figuring out what to buy for my family as xmas gifts etc. And i get this warm feeling inside of me when i think of how nice and magical christmas can be, but i know also that christmas can be a tough time for many ppl due to many different reasons, so i hope that the christmas angels will spread extra cups of love to the ppl that needs love the most. Whether its a hug, or a hot cup of coffee or food or just a laugh.

Wish u all a happy 2nd advent.


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 7 december 2013 19:03


this is a port that wrote last week end but i wasnt able to upload a picture so i decided to wait until i could do that which is now=)

Ive always loved reading in other languages, well atleast French, Spanish and in Italian and also in English becus those languages are so rich and ...i dont know, so much passionate. I guess thats what i love about them, that they are so passionated and full of life. Maybe other languages are fun to read too if u just understand what it says ( like russian, or romanian or chinese...etc) but since m a huuuge fan of the latin languages i put my focus on those languages. And lateöy ve been reading this book that is origianally from USA but translated into Italian. Cant really remember when i bought it, dont think it was back in Florence...think it was in Paris..dont ask me why i decided to buy a book in Italian instead of in French...but anyway i started to read maybe 2 months ago.. Its a Sophia Kansella book " I love shopping in New York" and normally i dont read her books ( in English) since i think they are a bit too easy for me ( rvrn tho km a huge fan of chic lit but there s a limit even for me). But i found it in my room and i thought i could be fun to read it in Italian. And i was right. Its so much fun to read in Italian, and i learn new words everyday! Ok i cant say i can remember all of them or would be able to use them in a sentence just like that on a conversation, but when i read them somewhere else i sometimes remember what they mean ( i google translate them) and its just the nicest feeling! And i keep thinking, omg this is such a beautiful language. It mist be the most beautiful language in the world. Its sucha dramamtic and passionate language. Every word sound beautiful, even " normal and boring" words like doing, or thinking are beautoful in Italian, if its" i am thinking" its " sto pensando" and "i am doing " would be " sto facendo". How beautiful isnt that? Or another phrase that is beautiful is ( now im just taking a phrase out of nowhere becus basically all of it is beautiful )

"davvero? faccio io, cercando di nascondere la mia sodisfazione. E sempre una gradita sorpresa quando Luke mi telefona, perche, a essere sincera, non lo fa spesso. Voglio dire, chiama per accordarsi sull'ora in cui dobbiamo vederci e cose genere..."

which basically means " really? I say, trying to hide my satisfaction. Its always a nice surprise when Luke calls me, becus, frankly, he doesnt do it that often. I mean, to call to remind him about what time we're going to meet and other general things..." doens´t it just sound so much more beautiful and passionate in Italian? In Swedish it would sound very plain and frankly a bit boring, but in Italian evevry word has so much power behind it, so much emotions behind them which is something i love.

I could mention so many phrases that are beautiful but then this post would be long as a novel and u all would get bored after a couple of minutes:). So i'll stop here. But its amazing how a language can be so beautiful and also how the meaning of the same phrase in different languages can feel so different depending what language it is.

Wish u all a nice evening. (or day)


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 6 december 2013 18:28


today is the second day of the storm Sven that has taken over Skåne and just a while ago it started snowing aswell. but christmas is supposed to be all about snow o i dont mind. well of course i mind the storm, i could live without the stor, but it will pass by eventually and hopefully the snow will stay=)

i was supposed to go this InterNations event tonite (the last one for this year) but for some reasons i looked for reasons not to go. i signed up for the event yday (that says something..) and today i looked many times on their website to see if they has written something about the event being cancelled but nope....nothing of that sort. i even said to a friend of mine who was supposed to go but couldnt since her train was cancelled that i was going, but then when i saw the snow....nope. going on the bike in this weather? wouldnt think so... and like my mum said, there will prob be many ppkl who also cancel tonites event due to the weather. well i will go next year instead! 

today ive been home sewing on my shirt..its almost finished=) just the print left that im gonna sew onto it=) and its finito, fini, acabado. wihooo. taken me a month to make it but its been worth it. and alot of fun. ive missed sewing so much! i didnt realise how much i missed sewing until i started sewing again (havent touched a needle since my graduation at ESMOD which was in June 2012). but it feels really good being back on that track again i must admit. really good actually so im def gonna continue sewing and im gonna buy fabrics so i can do it for real this time=)

wish you all an amamzing week end, weather its sunny weather or snowy weather.


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