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Av Hanne Trägårdh - 6 april 2014 14:19

today its been really foggy. but i find the fog really beautiful cus fog can give a very beautiful and arty touch to photos so i brought my camera (again!) on my daily walk but this time i went on a different route. i thought it would might help me finding different things to take pictures of, which it did. and im so glad I did becus i found so many flowers everywhere! many yellow ones which is something that makes me very happy to see cus yellow flowers reminds me of spring. when I came to one of the flower trees i smelled on one of the (white) flowers and they smelled like summer. u know just like recently cut grass in the summer can give ? it was like that smell, but very light. and it reminded me of my grandmother. dont know why exacctly it reminded me of her but i think its becus she (she passed asaw 1 1/2 year ago) always came  to all of our graduations when we were younger just before we had summer vacations. it made me smile thinking of her. (we were very close, i considered her being one of my best frends). so flowers and that smell usually makes me think of her<3

anyway, i think i got some really nice photos. I hope you will like them=)


theres just something so fascinating about fog...


i realised when taking this photo that the colours of the flowers are the same colours as Sweden´s flag has...yellow and blue..


arent the flowers just so beautiful? god i love taking pics of flowers...


these are the ones that reminded me of my lovely grandmother


so pretty..


flower garden..


more beautfiful flowers..


very few ppl on the street...its sunday after all...


i think i took like 40 pics before i finnally caught(?) the raindrops...yaaaaaay. its alot harder than you would think...


but pics with raindrops can be sooo pretty that its worth taking 100 pics before taking THE photo.



well I hope u enjoyed the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them=)


wish you all a lovely sunday afternoon.


Im off to see a friend now.



Av Hanne Trägårdh - 4 april 2014 14:53

this morning I saw that the sun was shining=) so i brougt my camera on my daily morning walk and went to the shore line. the sun went behind the clouds but the sun was still shining a bit so...i guess thats good enough for me..

this time i wanted to continue taking pictures of small details of the nature (since ie realised that that is what im best at) and after a while of looking for small cute things to take pics of I found this little feather and did u know that if theres a feather laying around , its a sign that angels have been at that place becus evverythime the go places they leave traces of feathers=) this according to the Norweigan princesse Märta Louise who has written a book about that very subject. so evevrytime  see a feather somewhere i smile. its cute right? anyway i started taking pictures of it and Im quite satisfied with those photos I must say...

and after a while, on my way home, i saw the sun shining thro0ugh some trees and bushes and since I looove taking pics of things that have sunshine on them i took some photos of them. that made me happy.

hope you will like my photos.=)

isnt this sunshine so beautiful?


oh that blue sky. how wonderful isnt that sky?


i found the way the clouds moves in this picture just so fascinating and beautiful...


birds flying off somewhere...


the feather..


..can create magic...


..and more magic than you´d think...=)


always believe in magic<3


this is the sunshine through the trees that i was mentioning before


I find it so fascinating how the bushes and leafs can make at one a mess and another time such tranquility..


theres so much beauty in the nature...not just in the big views but also at the smallest places..


like depending on how u move ur camera the leafs can move in different ways..


and the pictures look very different but they are still very similar


and look how the sun in shining on thiese leafs..isnt amazing? i looove it


evevrytime I take pictures of the nature I get more and more convincces that theres so much magic hiding in the nature..and its my job to find these small magic things=)


hope you´ve had a wonderful friday so far and that you will have  awonderful week end=)


lots of love,



Av Hanne Trägårdh - 31 mars 2014 11:03

on my daily morning walk this morning I decided to bring my camera becus it was such a beautiful weather! and so warm. like its impossible to be in a bad mood when u have amazing weather like today=)  i wanted to take pictures of something different and from different angles so I took pictures of flowers on the bushes etc and oh ive missed taking pictures sooo much. its beeb a long while now that i havent taken pictures..but its good to long for things becus then once u do it u enjoy it so much and that was the feeling i got this morning. excitement, joy. happiness.

well here are my photos. i hope the will bring you excitement, joy and happiness=)


i think its so cute when parents bike with their children on the way to school. 


arent these flower trees just so beautiful? I looove them. i remember them existing in Bcn, They are everywhere in that city. 


just when i was taking the photo a bird came flyingw hich was actually perfect cus it gave a certain touch of life in my photo. so thank you bird for flying there just that second!


i fund the shadow on this house just so beautiful. made me think of greek houses for some strange reason. it was prob the extremely white colour that gave the Greek touch..


and these following photos are form our garden. it was just so beautiful with the light that cmae shining on the bushes.


theres just something soothing about leafs and trees and well nature in general. i could take a thousand pictures of nature.


and when I was looking at this photo on my camera i saw the tiny raindrops on the lawn, t made happy for some reason. maybe becus i find it so beautiful with raindrops in general or that its so beautiful wth raindrops in the morning..


and when i looked up i saw the frost on the glass roof. so pretty!


I wish you all a very beautiful monday.

Im gonna walk my dogs now=)


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 13 mars 2014 12:12

Yday I read a blog that belongs to a really amazing Swedish woman who is a model, artist, blogger ( of couse), actress etc and shes sooo cool. Really cool becus shes just being herself which i find so cool. shes from Skåne and lives in Stockholm. And she doesnt seem to care that nuch about what other people think of her. But she truly amazing . Shes not a cold bitch, she seems really warm hearted and full of joy and warmth no matter what. She s one of my biggest inspirations. And she hasnt changed her accent ( which many ppl that moves to Sthlm usually do after living there for a while) which i find really cool. Oh and her name is Carolina Gynning if yoy feel like googleling her.

This time It has felt very different being in Sthlm, I felt so much better, both about myself and about life in general which felt like huuuge relief. And iåthe weather was much better and warmer this time and that helped a lot too. Something that im so grateful for this time, that I didnt get to do last time I was here, was seeing friends. i got to see two very lovely friends. One that is also from Skåne and that I met for breakfast last xmas and the other one that I saw six months ago in Sthlm when I came to visit her for a long week end. Meeting friends for fika or for lunch gave me sooo much positive energy. It lifted my whole spirit and gave me so much joy and happiness. My Skåne friend had recently moved to Sthlm to love with her boyfriend ( hes fr Sthlm) so it was fun to hear how she experienced living in Sthlm and my other friend, well it had been six months since we last saw each other so it was just great to see her. And plus she hdnt seen my niece since B was 6 months old ( at my 25th birthday party at our summer house) so i think A thought it was reaöly nice to see my niece too:).

Even tho it was great being in Sthlm it hits me more and more how much I dont belong in Sthlm and how much I actually like my life in Skåne. I thought for a long while about moving to Sthlm but being in Sthlm twice this year ( so far) has made me realize how much I dont fit into Sthlm and how nice Skåne is. I think Im too soft for Sthlm, with their walking so fast everywhere and their always being busy busy. Busy like a bee. And their attitude. Well i have met some nice ppl in Sthlm, but I would say that ppl fr Skpne is a taaad more chilled and laid back. Thank god for that.

One very good thing about being away from home even if its just for a few days is that it makes u miss ur home and appreciate it even more. God Ive missed going to my italian classes and multi lingue cafe this week. And our dogs. And ive missed my art. Sooo much.

Its good tho to come to realizations, cus it makes u grow. And its ok to be soft and nice and chilled instead of always being on the way to somewhere.

This week im wishing for peace and joy and happiness, whether its within myself or in small moments. And learning how to let go.

Oh i must add that I follow another really cool woman, an American womab, a spirit guru, her name is Gabrielle Bernstein and she has an App called Spirit Junkie and she gives daily affirmations/mantras that are pretty cool. Today's affirmation is" I smile from within" And another one that I read yday i believe it was ( might have been from someone else) was also really good:" I am full of energy and I let go of all negative thoughts". They can be good reminders.

Ok. I have to read my Italian book whos waiting for my full attention.

Wish you all a beautiful day.


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 8 mars 2014 17:59

it has been such a beautiful day today! prob the most beautiful day so far. bright bright light and a blue blue sky. and no clouds to be seen.  it gives so much hope and joy and happiness. evevrything feels light. all ur worries go bye bye even for just a minute or two. I went for a walk along the beach and it was so beautiful, sooo beautiful. so calm and peaceful. and such clear water its insane. you could evevrything underneath the surface. it was incredible really. i hope the weather stays like this becus that would be truly wonderful. lets hope for that. *hoppas hoppas*. 

here are the pics that I took this morning.


isnt the light just soo beautiful? its breathtaking really.love it so much.

wish you all a beautiful saturday evening.


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 7 mars 2014 16:01

since I love taking pictures of nature and people and shadows i brought my camera two times when i was on my daily walks in the mornings and it was so nice to finaly take pictures again. i love the light, whether its bright sunlight or just through shadows and especially in the morning. the first ones are with bright sunlight and the other ones (you will see the difference clearly=)) are taken through fog. both ones are taken at the same hour of the day but what changes is the weather and the settings on the camera.

so here are some of the photos that I took. Hope you will like them.


it goves me so much joy and happiness taking photos, esepcially if they go well hehe.

wish you all a great friday.


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 4 mars 2014 10:48


whenever I feel blue or just having a low moment I like to reminD myself of everytning that i have to be grateful for.

and everyday i stay thank you there Times' for all of what I'm grateful for so toda I'm gonna write Downs things/people/events that I'm so grateful for having/had in My lite,. that Always cheers me up and puts a big smile on My face and just thinking about it warms My heart so here it is:

thank you, thank you, thank you for:

my wonderful childhood

my time in Annecy and all of the amazing ppl I met there and for me having the wonderful opportunity to learn French in the problem most beautiful place on earth

my time in beautiful Florence and all of the ppl I met there and especially the ones that are still in My life

when i studied French at the university where I got to mete My friend Anna and her (ex) boyfriend Emil. Me and Anna had usch a fun time studying togetheR.

when I took that 3 weeks summer course in design In Paris that changed my life( well more or less anyway) and for the amazing ppl I met there and hung out with during that time<3 and that made me totally fall in love with Paris and made me cry My eyes out all the way home and made  wantingso Badly to come back ( which i did about a month later) 

my time in Paris ( even thank you all the stubborn Parisian ppl i met who refused to tell nothing but the truth to me no matter how much that hurt and which in end turned me into a stronger person) and for all My friends in Paris. You truly made My life so beautoful and so much Fun And thank you for all the time we went dancing until dawn and for the walks

And for the dinners and for My time at ESMOD. Thank you. <3

my time in Bcn, at My time at the Ole language school and for the friends i made there ( both in My first time studying Spa and for the second time I  studied Spa there. And thank you for IDEP, My photography school and for the amazing ppl 

I met througH that school <3 and for me being able to study both Spa and photography In usch a beautiful city. And thank you for all the Fun time I had going to different bars and restaurants. And for having the opportunity to going to the beach in March<3

my trips to Madrid, Paris, Tarifa, Lisboa and Malaga that i made in 2012. <3

my ex who showed me that it was possible to love again for no reason at all and for showing me that love at first sight was possible. And for showing me Malaga and the surroundings. even tho it didnt work out for us in the end, I'm still so so grateful for out time together. And for all of our endless conversations and for just being you.

my time studying English at the university of Malmö where I met two wonderful girls Who I hope Will be in My life  for the rest of My life. And for me having the opportinity to challenge myself in the Eng language.

My time with the two very talented photographers Mikael Leijon and Isabell N Wedin and for me being able to assist them time to time. i never thought in a million years that I would meet such wonderful and kind photographers.

My time with My sis and My time with My friend S who I spent alot of time with going to the gym and going for coffee and taking Photos of Last year.

my time in Bcn last summer, and thank you L & L for inviting me to your beautiful wedding. <3 and for introducing me to your amazing family. And for Me having the opportinity to stay with a wonderful girl Who i got to know quite well and whom I'm still friends with. <3

Me having the the opportinity to study Italien at the university of Lund where I got to know this amazing girl WHO turned out also having lived in Florence at the same time as me. And for all of our time studying Italian together Every week end. And for all My friends WHO i hung out with last fall.

Me being able to develope My art and fashion style last fall <3 I'm finally confident w My art .

the multi lingue café at SOL ( where I study Italian), where you can go Every wensday to speak Italian, Spanish, French, German, English and so on. for all the amazing ppl i have met there and for all the amazing ppl I Will meet there.

For me being able to develope My writing skills and doing different kinds of Sports.

thank you thank you thank you for all My amazing and beautiful friends and family i have in My life.<3

and  finally for My wonderful future:) thank you, thank you, thank you. <333333

And thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful friends and other ppl WHO are waiting for me sown the road.

thank you thank you thank you for all the wonderful things I'm gonna able to do, for all the wonderful places I'm gonna be able to see and for the wonderful and fun time i Will have in My future.

lots and LOTs of love to all of you.

wish you a beautiful tuesday.


Av Hanne Trägårdh - 1 mars 2014 19:06

I just uploaded some picures on my fb and when i was looking through the photos in my albums, it just makes me so happy. this year ive been up and down in my mood, sometimes ive been down for a longer period, sometimes ive been happy for a day or two or during a longer period. but when I was looking through my pictures it hit me that its time for some happiness. not saying that i ll never be sad again, cus hey, im only human. but its time for happiness to shine through now. When i look back on my life, it makes me happy. not just the happy moments, but my sad moments too. the moments when ive cried for hours or being down or when ive had my heart broken and cried over guys or when ive been unhappy. all those moments. all those amamzing moments. becus they have made me meet all of these amamzing people that ive had the chance to meet during my time before mu graduation i high school, abroad and after that ive moved back home. its really such a beautiful thing having friends. and especially friends that u know always will be there for you no matter how far away they live or if you see each other every other year. 


            like when it was st valentine´s day 5 years ago i think it was and my best friend asked me during the day (it was a saturday ) if i wanted some ompany that night since i was after all a single girl o valentine´s day. and he came to my place at 1 o clock at night just to make sure that I was ok. or when the same friend came to my place on a friday evening even thou he had had only a couple of hours aleep that week and was totally exhausted but he still came since he had promised me that we would have movie night. he fell alseep after sitting in the couch for 10 minutes.


          or when in italy during my last sememster there and i was really sad and unhappy that my best friend decided then that she had to come and visit me (which she did that same xmas).


          i cant believe how many amazing and beautiful ppl ive met through the years. whether they are still in my life or not. of course i wish some of them were still in my life, but it doesnt mean that we didnt have wonderful moments together. all of those times that ive cried my eyes out, whether it was over some guy or school or about French people (they are a chapter of their own...) or why it never worked out with any guys. or old friends that have popped back to my life here in Sweden. 

         I cant believe how lucky i am to have met all of these amazing people. whether its in Sweden, Annecy, Florence, Paris, Barcelona or Tarifa....or any other place that visited for that matter...

yep, now its def time for happiness. for the happy Hanne to come into the sunlight. or more like the real Hanne.

cus the world is a beautiful place and I cant wait to discover evevrything it has to offer.

screw fears and insecurities. 

and hello to happiness and sunlight and love.

one of my beautiful nieces B.


me being very happy with my outfit of the day (got the scarf from a good friend of mine that she had bought when she was on vacation <3)


my friend I. a the sauna place by the beach we went to last w end.


my childhood friend V who finally got her Europe tour card in golf. shes such a big inspiration!


another picture of B...<3


a happy day at the beach in Bcn when we had a photography class...


mucho amor a todos mis amigos.


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